for Service Providers


Your Messaging App is hosted in the most sophisticated Cloud in the world. Enabling Business Messaging has never been easier.

Nothing to install

Our service runs in your existing Web browser, no programs to install, or updates to worry about.

Messaging at your location

Enable Messaging on your business listing with the popular search providers.


Your Branded Web App is all you need to communicate with customers. Make your product truely unique with a Branded URL, Logo, and theme.


Messaging for Service Providers

A multi-channel multi-personal business messaging application to allow customers to reach you in their most preferred method of communicating.

Email us to get started

The need is already there

Businesses would prefer to Text with their own numbers, consumers WANT to text your business.

It's so easy to message a Business

Mobile Phones are enabling the consumer a fast and easy way to message your business without a special app.

Investors view of Business Messaging

Investors know the value of Busines Messaging, and are making huge contributions to help it succeed.


Nearly 78% of consumers would like to communicate with a business via text.